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About me


Sara with both spanish and english origins, grew up in the beautiful sorroundings of Sierra de Las Nieves.


After graduating at the Arts University College at Bournemouth, in the U.K in 2010 and having experienced living in London and Mallorca decided to move back to Spain and carry on with another of her many passions, Yoga. Which has always been present in her life. Since she was a child she had the enriching opportunity to learn from whom she considers her “maestro” and example to follow, Brian Carling from the European Shiatsu School. This has always been a positive aspect in her life.

The main influences on her yoga practice has been B.K.S Iyengar, the wellknown yoga teacher and author of the class Light on Yoga. As well as the concepts of Vinyasa in Asana, as in the approach of Desikachar where a secuences of postures is arranged in an intelligent order so that there is a goal, preparation for the goal and a gradual descent after the goal has been reached.

The practice of yoga is adapted according to the individual.











When practice is tailored to individual needs it adds an immensely beneficial dimension to the practice.












All through her life she has attended the tibetan budhist Centre O Sel Ling in the Alpujarras granadinas, a spiritual Retreat Centre where she has been able to deepen her meditation practice.























Another very important influence for her was Chris Jarmey, yoga teacher and founder of the European Shiatsu School, who introduced her to Qi Gong



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